Bible School course on the Grace of God

This is an exciting Bible School course on the Grace of God. We would like you to enrol and start your study on this online course immediately.


About the Bible School course on the grace of God

Find more information about this Bible School course on the grace of God below:

If you want to overcome the myriads of obstacles and demonic hinderances that show up whenever you want to achieve a meaningful exploits or get a breakthrough, you need to always position yourself to operate under God’s grace.

Register for the course here 


Operating under the grace of God

In this online Christian course on the grace of God, you will learn the following:

  • How do you operate under the grace of God?
  • How do you activate the grace of God?
  • What’s the mysterious and useful relationship between faith and the grace of God?
  • Is God’s grace free?
  • Can God’s grace increase upon your life?
  • How does the grace of God manifest itself?
  • Why the devil and his cohorts does not want you to operate under the grace of God.

Register for the course here 


Watch the introductory lecture on the online course on the grace of God

You will find answers to all these and more in this Christian online course, The Gospel of the Grace of God.

Please watch this introductory video lecture and let me read from you.

Watch video today.


Enrol in this course today 

The Miraculous (How to make miracles through faith in God)

This online bible school in Nigeria is happy to offer you this Christian online course on the topic of faith. Please find below to see the details of the course. We want you to refer your friends to one of the best bible schools in Nigeria. Enjoy the course.

Details of the online course on faith

Are you struggling to overcome a problem or a challenge in your life, business, or marriage? Do you want simple-to-understand and easy-to-apply descriptions or explanations of the Christian faith that will help you solve those nagging problems in your life, business, or marriage?

If those questions apply to you, then this course, ‘The Miraculous: Principles of Christian Faith Manifestation: How to make miracles through faith’ is just the right one for you.

My first course on this topic, The Christian Faith Principles, has over 1600 students and 4.41 positive reviews. This course builds on this positive outcome and a more comprehensive and more easy-to-use-and-understand course has been produced.

The lectures are short and straight-to-the-point. You will be able to go through all the lectures and the quizzes under 90 minutes. The questions under the quizzes are designed to strengthen your comprehension of each of the lectures.

This is about the most comprehensive and the most practical online course on the Christian faith. You need to enroll today to find out and see the quality of this course.

You will learn the following under this online faith course:

  • Practical definitions of the Christian faith
  • How to get results with your faith
  • How to practically represent faith to get a miracle
  • The three important foundations for the Christian faith
  • How to overcome demonic resistance to your faith
  • How to apply faith in your marriage, family, work or business
  • The working relationship between faith and grace
  • Pictorial representation of faith to get results
  • How to apply faith to get answers to prayers

If you want to start walking by faith effectively to start making your own miracles, you should enroll in this course today.

Register free for this Bible online course today 

Strategies to Develop Skills of Solving Problems

Let me hold you by the hand to show you simple strategies that can help you develop the skills of solving problems in your life and business

This Christian online course will teach you creative problem-solving skills. Developing skills for solving problems is a vocation everyone must learn and embrace.

You should understand that riches and wealth flow ceaselessly in the direction of those who have mastered the skills of solving problems.

Wealthy individuals and multinational organizations have mastered these skills and have built empires that have added immeasurable wealth to them on a consistent basis.

It is your turn to learn this process and set yourself up for a lifetime of attracting wealth and fame to yourself solving problems in your vocation or businesses.

This Bible training course will expose you to how God designed you as a problem solver. It will show you how to monetize your problem-solving activities to create good and godly wealth for yourself.

Join me in the classroom.

Register free for this Bible online course today 

Christian Business School

The Christian Business School curriculum is the best for you if you want to learn the scriptural principles and secrets that can help you to start running businesses according to the rules and regulations of God.

The Bible courses in this curriculum were developed after many years of prayer and deep investigation into the Word of God to know His mind about faith-based businesses and kingdom wealth.

These video lectures will help you to:

  • Understand the will of God about entrepreneurial activities
  • Understand how God wants you to run your business
  • Under how to enjoy God’s divine backing and support for your business
  • Understand what you’re expected to do with the profit from your business
  • Gain complete of the spiritual environment in your industry or marketplace
  • Understand how to bear your Brain Children
  • Understand how to run profitable businesses and still be at peace with God
  • Understand how to use your business to promote the kingdom of God
  • Learn from success principles used by both bible-days and post-bible-days entrepreneurs
  • Understand how to crush obstacles in your business

And more.

We have administered these courses in the Christian Business School curriculum at our different Visionary Business Project online training programs. We have put it together for you to enjoy as a Bible school curriculum.

We will be updating the courses in the Christian Business School curriculum as they are available.

Please register now to gain free access 


Related: How to launch your business 

How to handle money (Christian principles for finances)

How you handle money can either make or mar you. God is interested in how you handle money. Learn simple strategies during this online course.

About this course on How to handle money

Money is good. It’s only the love of money that is the root of all evil. Money will always hold a prime place in our lives and even in the body of Christ. Most Christians have not allowed God and His will to help them handle Issues around money effectively. This has come with lots of consequences.

Money is good and it’s very good for everyone including Christians. Come to think of it, you will need money to buy the good things that are necessary for your survival in life. Since money is a means of exchange for goods and services, it will always be relevant and useful. Some rigid Christians should understand this truth. There is no marketplace in every country that has been created for Christians alone where they can pick up goods and services without paying cash.

I am using this online course to show you how you can begin to relate with money effectively and still maintain your cordial relationship with God.

I want you to look at these scenarios:

1. Mr. A became rich on the earth but ended up not making heaven – he went to hell.

2. Mr. B was poor on the earth but ended up making heaven.

3. Mr. C was rich on the earth and ended up making heaven.

Now, I want you to be sincere with your choice. Which of the three examples would you love to emulate and be like?

Well, your guess are as good as mine – Mr. C

Mr. A was foolish – He did not know God but followed the right principles to become rich. He handled money carelessly and foolishly and reaped the consequences.

Mr. B was not foolish because he knew and hallowed God and made heaven but he could not handle money wisely and was poor all through his life.

Mr. C loved God, used the right principles and strategies to handle money effectively, and made heaven.

What Mr. C did to record his outstanding achievements are within your reach. Please join us at this free event.

You will learn Godly and very practical principles and strategies that will help you to handle money the way it should.

I want you to note that this event is not teaching you how to make money but how to handle money. Handling money is more difficult than making money!

Become one of the students to register for this online course on how to handle money.

Register free of charge now


Related bible course: Launch your business 

The Miraculous (how to make miracles through faith)

About this Christian course on making miracles through faith

This online bible school in Nigeria is happy to offer you this Christian online course on the topic of faith. Please find below to see the details of the course. We want you to refer your friends to one of the best bible schools in Nigeria. Enjoy the course.

Details of the online course on faith

Are you struggling to overcome a problem or a challenge in your life, business, or marriage? Do you want simple-to-understand and easy-to-apply descriptions or explanations of the Christian faith that will help you solve those nagging problems in your life, business, or marriage?

If those questions apply to you, then this course, ‘The Miraculous: Principles of Christian Faith Manifestation: How to make miracles through faith’ is just the right one for you.

My first course on this topic, The Christian Faith Principles, has over 1600 students and 4.41 positive reviews. This course builds on this positive outcome and a more comprehensive and more easy-to-use-and-understand course has been produced.

The lectures are short and straight-to-the-point. You will be able to go through all the lectures and the quizzes under 90 minutes. The questions under the quizzes are designed to strengthen your comprehension of each of the lectures.

This is about the most comprehensive and the most practical online course on the Christian faith. You need to enroll today to find out and see the quality of this course.

You will learn the following under this online faith course:

  • Practical definitions of the Christian faith
  • How to get results with your faith
  • How to practically represent faith to get a miracle
  • The three important foundations for the Christian faith
  • How to overcome demonic resistance to your faith
  • How to apply faith in your marriage, family, work or business
  • The working relationship between faith and grace
  • Pictorial representation of faith to get results
  • How to apply faith to get answers to prayers

If you want to start walking by faith effectively to start making your own miracles, you should enroll in this course today.

Register and enroll in this bible course on the Christian faith today 


Check out more online bible courses:

Christian faith principles 


Christian Faith Principles

About this online bible course on Christian Faith Principles

This Christian Faith Principles course is filled with lots of practical stories and illustrations. It is also filled with lots of Christian principles of faith that can help you to start walking effectively by your faith in God. It is short but contains powerful principles that can help your Christian faith.

Events in our world today have left Christians with no other option but to start flying with their faith. Only flying faithers will get Godly achievements in business or at their workplaces.

Register and enroll for this bible course on the Christian faith today 


Check out more online bible courses:

Anger Management for Christians

The God-Powered Author

Business Launch Strategies 


Book formatting course for Authors and book publishers

About this online course for authors and publishers

Are you an Amazon or Smashwords author? Or do you self-publish your books on the various e-publishing platforms online?

If you do, then you need to learn how to format your book manuscripts properly before you submit your books to these publishing platforms. A well-formatted book will give a good experience to readers and they will be able to recommend your book to other readers thereby increasing sales and income for you.

On the other hand, a badly formatted book can damage your reputation as an author no matter how good your book’s content is. You need to take this short and interesting course. Formatting your book is so simple that you can learn this at a single sitting and begin to use the strategy in your book.

Sometimes, the e-publishing platforms will ask you to submit your book manuscript so that they can do the rest of the work for you, you don’t have to rely on them because their outputs may not be what you will like.

Why can’t you learn how to do it yourself and teach others too and make more money from the process over and over again?

This self-publishing course will show you in simple steps how you can begin to format your books for kindle and Smashwords indie publishing. You don’t need to be scared of this task again and you don’t need to hire anyone to do book formatting for you.

These self-publishing publishing platforms offer authors the chance to self-publish their books at no cost but the book formatting part has kept most indie authors away from using these platforms as much as they would love. Yes, it is the hard part and most people find it difficult getting this done.

Well, I have close to 100% success getting my books published on these platforms so I believe I am qualified to teach you. This indie publishing course will show simple, baby steps you must begin to take to get around this. Yes, I have read the articles and guides on several websites but I believe it will be extremely difficult for a newbie to use those guides to get their books correctly formatted. So I have presented a simpler route for you with this course.

Please register and enroll in this course today.


Check out more online courses:

God-Powered Author

Anger Management for Christians

Christian Author Initiative 

Strategies to Execute Business Visions

About this online bible course on how to execute business Ideas

You’ve got a business vision to run with right? I share in your excitement.

But do you know that 90% of business visions don’t come to the fulfillment stage! I believe that was a tough one. But it’s actually the simple truth.

A lot of things go into the fulfillment of visions and most times lots of vision carriers are not ready to sacrifice the time, money, work, and diligence that’s necessary to get visions fulfilled.

Therefore we always have what I call “Abortion of visions”!

This course will be teaching you the skills of getting your business visions to the fulfillment stage no matter who you are and where you are at the point of receiving the vision. The Christian principles used in this course are time-tested and are very relevant to today’s practices. They’ll be extremely relevant to you and your business.

In this course, you’ll learn,

1. How to receive the right business visions.

2. Your first set of reactions to any business vision you receive.

3. What you need to do with the business vision you receive.

4. How to create the right environment for the growth and fulfillment of your business vision.

5. The relevance of prayer power to the fulfillment of your business vision.

6. And more…

I have used principles to write books that have helped readers to find solutions to their business challenges, this course is to continue this lofty objective of the vision of our organization.

I want you to enroll in this course today.


More online bible courses:

How to launch a business with no capital

Anger Management for Christians

About this online course on how to handle anger

Getting violently angry has always been part of me and I was really not doing anything about it until I got married. My angry reactions to issues sometimes become extremely violent and after displaying the act for a few minutes, I usually began to wonder what got over me, and most times I don’t always feel good about myself.

When I noticed how destructive this act can become, I wanted a solution which I got following a simple guide which I have shown in this do-it-yourself short Christian classes.

I learned to tame these sinful angry reactions to issues and I believe you too can learn to do this. Violent or sinful anger can destroy what you have painstakingly built over the years and smashed them to the floor in a few minutes.

You need to take this course. It contains short stories, simple diagrams, and simple steps I dedicatedly began to carry out until I began to record consistent victories over it.

The following are some of the things you will learn in this course:

  • Understand the difference between anger and violent anger
  • Understand whether anger is a sin or not
  • Learn how to deal with violent anger in a Godly way
  • Learn to keep your emotions under the control of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God
  • See how violent anger and hot temper nearly crushed my marriage
  • Learn to stop anger from destroying your relationship with God and men

And more…

Regiater and Enroll in this course today.


Check out more online bible courses:

How to handle money 

God-Powered Author