donate the book academy

We believe you can support this noble and divine project of this online bible college in Nigeria in your own little way. Thank you for your interest in becoming a partner. God will bless your seeds.

We want to continue to push out Bible-based and Gospel-promoting online courses on this website and through our various platforms. We are very grateful to God for His divine help over the years.

If God is laying it upon your heart to be a part of this divine initiative, you can donate by sowing the seed here. You will be able to give through a secure payment platform powered by Remita and Paylink. (When you get to that page, search for ‘support’ without the inverted commas and enter any amount to want to give, then click ‘Checkout’ to pay securely through different options available).

Thank you. (On the payment page, you will see the registered business name of our sister organization, Zarepath Publishing. 

Support with Your Seeds here 

Note: We will send a ‘Thank You’ message to you after receiving your donation. We will also send some of our premium resources to you too. Thank you for your donation.

Other Means of Donation

  • By Paypal: You can also send your donation through Paypal. Please send through our official PayPal email address (lettersesan (at) For more information about payment by Paypal, please contact us here.
  • BuyMeaCoffe: Your donation can also reach us through BuyMeaCoffee.