If you are looking for exclusive online Bible courses in Nigeria, I have them for you in this post. There are many online home study Christian courses in Nigeria nowadays.
The access to inspired online Bible School courses for Nigerians has been made easy and even free over the years. Thanks to God and the ever-improving technologies.
Related: 3 Theological schools in Nigeria Nigeria
Note: You can also register for all these Bible online courses by visiting our Registration page for the website here
Profiles of online Bible courses in Nigeria
The following are the profiles of online Bible courses in Nigeria:
1. How to pray over your business
How to make the power of God available for your business or career. Gain free access to this new course today.
Enrol in How to Pray Over Your Business
2. Gospel of grace
Enrol in this course to understand the mystery of the gospel of grace of God. A practical online course where simple stories, charts and pictures to describe the revelation and the mysteries of the God’s grace.
If you want to operate perpetually under the grace of God, you should learn from this course. Enrol free today.
Enrol in Gospel of the Grace of God
3. Silly Mistakes in Mathematics (This is an academic course)
Is your child struggling with Mathematics? If this is the case, then it’s likely he has a poor or faulty foundation in the subject. It’s likely he or she has not mastered or is poor in some of the foundational topics in Mathematics.
This online course will help your child to see some of the common errors students make in Mathematics especially with the very important foundational topics like BODMAS, Directed Numbers, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of fractions and decimals etc.
Enrol in this course today and let your child’s grade in mathematics improve significantly.
Enrol in Silly Mistakes in Mathematics today
4. The Christian Author
Do you want to increase your efficiency as a Christian Author? If you have been called into the book ministry and you want to learn some principles that can help you to do more and achieve, then you need this free online course.
You can enrol today at no cost.
Enrol in the Christian Author today
5. Publish Books in Foreign Languages at No Cost
You can publish your books in foreign languages like French, Spanish, German, Greek and more at no upfront cost and get it distributed worldwide through hundreds of online stores.
Learn how in this interesting online course. Enrol today free for a limited time.
Enrol in Publish Books in Foreign Languages at No Cost
6. How I Overcame Violent Anger
You need to stop violent anger before it stops you! I followed proven biblical principles to stop violent anger in my life. You can too. Stop destroying your relationship and destiny because of hot anger or hot temper.
It’s more dangerous if the problem has demonic or spiritual input. Enrol in this course today free for a limited time.
7. How to Stop Fear Spiritually
Many are dying daily because of fear. They are limited because of fear in their lives. It’s more dangerous when the fear is demonic or spiritual. How do you stop fear spiritually? Enrol in this course today free for a limited time.
Enrol in How to Stop Fear Spiritually today
8. Internet Evangelism
I want you to learn how to use the internet to do effective and targeted evangelism? Please enrol in this course today at no cost.
You will learn simple and very effective strategies I have used to reach out with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Enrol today free at
Enrol in Internet Evangelism today
9. How to Sell More Books on Amazon
If you want to sell more books on Amazon using both free and paid promotion strategies, then this online course is for you. Enrol free at How to Sell More Books on Amazon
This course contains practical ways I have done it with proven results to show.
10. How to rank your blogs higher on Search engines
I have always used proven strategies to rank my blogs very well in Google gaining new and thousands of visitors to my blogs onna monthly basis. If you want to discover how I do On Page SEO to make my blogs rank very well on Google search, enrol in this course today at no cost. Enrol at
Enrol in On page SEO strategies for Blogger
11. The Miraculous
Enrol in this course free today
You can do the miraculous if you learn how to walk effectively by faith with God. This online course teaches you how to do exploits by walking in faith. Enrol in this course free today.
You will learn practical and biblical ways I follow the faith process to draw the hands and power of God into very complex situations in my life and the organization I run.
Find out more in this exciting online courses in the Christian faith. Enrol at
Note: You can also register for all these Bible online courses by visiting our Registration page for the website here