
Which Bible college is online in Nigeria

If you want to know which Bible college is online in Nigeria, you are reading the right post.

Online Bible college in Nigeria has grown in popularity over the years. Many Christian organization that run Bible schools now have online representation.

Related: 5 Theological Schools in Nigeria

Which Bible college is online in Nigeria?

The Bible college that is online in Nigeria is The Book Academy Technical School 

You are right there on the website of one Nigeria’s most visible and most exciting Bible schools.

This Bible college has lots of Bible study courses for students that they can take from the comfort of their homes.

There has been great reviews for these online bible study courses from The Book Academy Technical School over the years. You need to visit the home page to see these reviews.


How to register for Bible School courses

Most of the Bible study courses at The Book Academy Technical School are free. Students can register and begin to take the courses immediately from the comfort of their homes without paying a dim for them.

You can register by visiting the registration page here 


Bible study courses on the Udemy platform

The Book Academy Technical School also make use of the platform to distribute Bible study courses. We have lots of students enrollment on this platform with lots of great testimonials.


Related: Please find a related information below:

Order our Inspired Christian Books on Business, Money and Finance 

Some of our published books will share more information with you about this topic. Please check them out below:

Spiritual Help for Your Business Success

Purpose Driven Business

How to Launch Your Business as. Christian

Wealth Codes

How to Start and Finish Projects

And more

You can order these ebooks through our sister organization, Sarefat Vision Investment Publishing.

Please order these books by sending a message to our hot Whatsapp line 08034300979 or email us here or send an email to Or check out the Christian personal development bookstore at



Join the School of BUSINESS training program

You should Join the School of BUSINESS training program from the Visionary Business Project today.

If you are struggling to start and run a business, this training program is just right for you. Please find more information about the School of BUSINESS training program below:


More information about the School of BUSINESS training program

School of BUSINESS training program
For Small business owners, Artisans, Craftsmen, Digital creators, Aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Learn how to start and run profitable businesses and still maintain your integrity and peace with God

Gain invaluable ACCESS to resources that can help you DISCOVER profitable business ideas, launch the ideas, and expand them using godly principles and strategies.

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You will also learn:

how your faith can help transform and grow your small business

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how to run your business profitably and still maintain your peace with God, your Creator

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12 business Ideas you can begin to run with immediately

You will be shown a case study of a faith-based business that started from scratch and which has grown in multiple folds over the years.

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First 20 to register will gain access three premium business ebooks.

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Powered by the Visionary Business Project.


Classified advert for the School of BUSINESS training program

Do you want to know how to raise the needed CAPITAL for your business? Join the School of BUSINESS training program from the Visionary Business Project. Click here to Register today free by joining our Whatsapp group today. (Spots are limited. Spots are filling up quickly) Or send a Whatsapp message to 08034300979

School of BUSINESS

Online Bible courses in Nigeria

If you are looking for exclusive online Bible courses in Nigeria, I have them for you in this post. There are many online home study Christian courses in Nigeria nowadays.

The access to inspired online Bible School courses for Nigerians has been made easy and even free over the years. Thanks to God and the ever-improving technologies.

Related: 3 Theological schools in Nigeria Nigeria

Note: You can also register for all these Bible online courses by visiting our Registration page for the website here

Profiles of online Bible courses in Nigeria

The following are the profiles of online Bible courses in Nigeria:


1. How to pray over your business

How to make the power of God available for your business or career. Gain free access to this new course today.

Enrol in How to Pray Over Your Business


2. Gospel of grace

Enrol in this course to understand the mystery of the gospel of grace of God. A practical online course where simple stories, charts and pictures to describe the revelation and the mysteries of the God’s grace.

If you want to operate perpetually under the grace of God, you should learn from this course. Enrol free today.

Enrol in Gospel of the Grace of God


3. Silly Mistakes in Mathematics (This is an academic course)

Is your child struggling with Mathematics? If this is the case, then it’s likely he has a poor or faulty foundation in the subject. It’s likely he or she has not mastered or is poor in some of the foundational topics in Mathematics.

This online course will help your child to see some of the common errors students make in Mathematics especially with the very important foundational topics like BODMAS, Directed Numbers, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of fractions and decimals etc.

Enrol in this course today and let your child’s grade in mathematics improve significantly.

Enrol in Silly Mistakes in Mathematics today


4. The Christian Author

Do you want to increase your efficiency as a Christian Author? If you have been called into the book ministry and you want to learn some principles that can help you to do more and achieve, then you need this free online course.

You can enrol today at no cost.

Enrol in the Christian Author today


5. Publish Books in Foreign Languages at No Cost

You can publish your books in foreign languages like French, Spanish, German, Greek and more at no upfront cost and get it distributed worldwide through hundreds of online stores.

Learn how in this interesting online course. Enrol today free for a limited time.

Enrol in Publish Books in Foreign Languages at No Cost


6. How I Overcame Violent Anger

You need to stop violent anger before it stops you! I followed proven biblical principles to stop violent anger in my life. You can too. Stop destroying your relationship and destiny because of hot anger or hot temper.

It’s more dangerous if the problem has demonic or spiritual input. Enrol in this course today free for a limited time.

How I Overcame Violent Anger


7. How to Stop Fear Spiritually

Many are dying daily because of fear. They are limited because of fear in their lives. It’s more dangerous when the fear is demonic or spiritual. How do you stop fear spiritually? Enrol in this course today free for a limited time.

Enrol in How to Stop Fear Spiritually today


8. Internet Evangelism

I want you to learn how to use the internet to do effective and targeted evangelism? Please enrol in this course today at no cost.

You will learn simple and very effective strategies I have used to reach out with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Enrol today free at

Enrol in Internet Evangelism today


9. How to Sell More Books on Amazon

If you want to sell more books on Amazon using both free and paid promotion strategies, then this online course is for you. Enrol free at How to Sell More Books on Amazon 

This course contains practical ways I have done it with proven results to show.


10. How to rank your blogs higher on Search engines

I have always used proven strategies to rank my blogs very well in Google gaining new and thousands of visitors to my blogs onna monthly basis. If you want to discover how I do On Page SEO to make my blogs rank very well on Google search, enrol in this course today at no cost. Enrol at

Enrol in On page SEO strategies for Blogger


11. The Miraculous

Enrol in this course free today
You can do the miraculous if you learn how to walk effectively by faith with God. This online course teaches you how to do exploits by walking in faith. Enrol in this course free today.

You will learn practical and biblical ways I follow the faith process to draw the hands and power of God into very complex situations in my life and the organization I run.

Find out more in this exciting online courses in the Christian faith. Enrol at

Enrol in The Miraculous today

Note: You can also register for all these Bible online courses by visiting our Registration page for the website here



How to pray over your business online course

This is new. How to pray over your business online course. Find details below.


About How to pray over your business online course

I just finished an interesting online course titled, How to Pray Over Your Business and I am excited to let you know.

I want you to know that this course is more than just praying over your business the way most people do.

It is more than that.

Related: Register for other courses toy


What you will learn in how to pray over your business online course

In this online course, you will learn how to

  1. Run your business following strictly the will of God
  2. How to pray the right prayers over your business
  3. If you are a career professional, you are also covered with this course. You will learn how to give excellent service on your job following strictly the rules of God

If you an employer of labour or an entrepreneur, you need to enroll your employees in this course.

You can take advantage of the massive discount coupon that I have created for you immediately.

I want you to enroll in this course today.

Thank you.

Sesan Oguntade

President, The Book Academy Technical School.

5 Theological Schools in Nigeria

If you want information about 5 Theological Schools in Nigeria, you are in the right page on this website portal. Among these 5 Christian Bible schools, you should be able to find a school you can attend to build your faith and also get you trained for God’s work on the earth.

Related: Register free for one of our Bible study courses today


What are Theological schools?

Theological schools are Bible schools set up by Christian ministries or chuches to teach, train and equip the saints for the work of God on this earth.

There are lots of theological schools in Nigeria today. Most of them have trained lots of students successfully over the years with the graduates going ahead to do great things in the body of Christ.


Why attend Theological schools?

You should attend Theological schools in order to:

Learn deeper things from God’s Word

Get trained and equiped for God’s work

Improve your spirituality

Ensure your spiritual growth and development

Get certified after your education


Profiles of 5 Theological schools in Nigeria

The following are profiles of 5 Theological schools in Nigeria today:


The Book Academy Technical School

This Bible School has trained lots of students using her online Bible training portal. This is a Christian personal development school dedicated to training students who will be problem solvers and light shiners on the earth.

For more information about this Bible training institute, please visit the home page here 


Mount Olives Ministerial Bible Institute

This is a distance learning bible college in Nigeria. The school is dedicated to teaching and demonstrating Jesus Christ’s preeminence in all things.


International Bible College of Ministries

This theological school was founded in 1990. The Bible school offers training in biblical studies and ministry.


The Redeemed Christian Bible College

The Redeemed Christian Bible College is owned by the Redeemed Christian Church of God. This theological college has the aims and objectives to train a great number of qualified pastors that are capable of effective leadership.


Rhema Bible Training Institute

The Rhema Bible Training Institute has multiple locations in Nigeria, including Abuja, Port Harcourt, and Kaduna. This Bible theological institute offers training in biblical studies.

Order our Inspired Christian Books on Business, Money and Finance 

Some of our published books will share more information with you about this topic. Please check them out below:

Spiritual Help for Your Business Success

Purpose Driven Business

How to Launch Your Business as. Christian

Wealth Codes

How to Start and Finish Projects

And more

You can order these ebooks through our sister organization, Sarefat Vision Investment Publishing.

Please order these books by sending a message to our hot Whatsapp line 08034300979 or email us here or send an email to

10 Bible Colleges in Nigeria

This post will show you 10 Bible Colleges in Nigeria where you can enroll to enjoy Spirit-filled lectures and programs that will nourish your spiritual growth and development.

Related: Bible School course on faith in God

Enrol for one of the courses in our Bible School today free


What are Bible Colleges in Nigeria?

Bible Colleges in Nigeria are Bible schools that have been set up by Christian ministries or chuches to train and equip the saints for spiritual growth and for God’s work on this earth.

Most of these Bible Colleges have been on groud for many years now while some are relatively new on the scene.


Why attend Bible Colleges?

You should attend Bible Colleges in order to:

  • Gain deeper insights into the Word of God
  • Know God more
  • Know Jesus’ power of resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering
  • Get trained and equiped for God’s work in this earth
  • Undergo an academic program that will lead to certification

Related: Enrol today for our Bible study courses at no cost to you and receive a Bible certificate after you are done with the courses 


Names of 10 Bible Colleges in Nigeria

The following are the name of 10 Bible Colleges in Nigeria today;

  1. The Book Academy Technical School
  2. The Redeemed Christian Bible College
  3. Word of Faith Bible Institute
  4. Daystar Leadership Academy
  5. Abuja Bible College
  6. Gospel Apostolic Church Bible College
  7. The African Center for Theological Studies
  8. All Nation Trinity Bible School
  9. Christ Life Academy
  10. Institute of Spiritual Warfare


Order our Inspired Christian Books on Business, Money and Finance 

Some of our published books will share more information with you about this topic. Please check them out below:

  • Spiritual Help for Your Business Success
  • Purpose Driven Business
  • How to Launch Your Business as. Christian
  • Wealth Codes
  • How to Start and Finish Projects
  • And more

You can order these ebooks through our sister organization, Sarefat Vision Investment Publishing.

Please order these books by sending a message to our hot Whatsapp line 08034300979 or email us here or send an email to

Bible colleges in Ogun state Nigeria

This is the profile of one of the Bible colleges in Ogun state Nigeria. If you want a Bible School in Ogun state and in Nigeria, you will find the information here.

Related: Bible School course on faith in God


What are Bible colleges in Ogun state Nigeria

Bible colleges in Ogun state Nigeria are the Bible Schools campuses that are located in the Nigerian state of Ogun state.

Bible colleges are colleges that are set up to teach or offer academic courses of the different aspect of the Christian faith.

Related: Gain access to  free Christian personal development books 


The Book Academy Technical School: A Bible School in Ogun state

The Book Academy Technical School is one of the Bible Schools in Ogun state, Nigeria. The Bible college offers varieties of online Bible study courses for students.

The school, presently, operates only an online campus where students can register online and receive the course details online.

Students can also write the test and examination online and receive the results online. There is also an e-certificate that will be issued to successful candidates.


Register for our online Bible study courses today

You can register for our online Bible study courses today by following the details below:

Find out the various online Bible courses here 

Register for any Bible study course of your choice here 

Bible School course on faith in God

Find the details on Bible School course on faith in God in this post. This online Bible School study course on the Christian faith is about the most subscribed Bible study course in our online Bible School.

The Christian online course, Christian Faith Principles has been used by lots of students in this online Bible School portal here at the Book Academy Technical School and on the Udemy learning platform.

I am informing you today that you can also gain access to this very useful online Bible School course today at no cost to you. You will surely enjoy what others have enjoyed from the course.


Details about the Bible study course on faith in God

Please find more details about the Bible study course on faith in God below:


Christian faith principles

This Christian Faith Principles course is filled with lots of practical stories and illustrations. It is also filled with lots of Christian principles of faith that can help you to start walking effectively by your faith in God. It is short but contains powerful principles that can help your Christian faith.

Events in our world today have left Christians with no other options but to start flying with their faith. Only flying faithers will get Godly achievements in business or at their workplaces.


Bible study course on faith in God: What a flying faith can do to you

A flying faith will always help you to get great godly success or results on this earth than a ‘trekking’ or ‘running’ faith. Our world today needs flying ‘faithers’. The devilish temptations are many, only flying ‘faithers; will endure to the end and overcome all temptations and fulfill their purpose.

This short, do-it-yourself online Christian course on faith will show you, using stories and charts, how you can get the best of your Christian experience walking by faith with God. The step-by-step illustrations will teach you in about one hour ten minutes registering Christian values in you that will turn you into a great faith walker with God.


Learn how to solve problems

You can now begin to lean on God’s Word to solve that nagging problem that has refused to go. You will now begin to go on your knees to pray and enjoy your prayer sessions. You will begin to use principles to offer your prayers to God and expect to get results from it.

Please enroll in this course today and let us meet in the classroom.

Register on the Udemy learning platform 


Free Sunday school manuals

You will be gaining access to free Sunday School manuals on this online Bible School and on our Christian Personal Development blog.

You will be able to download free Sunday School books and manuals that you can use without copyright in your church or at any of your teaching platforms.


What are free Sunday School manuals?

Free Sunday School manuals are Christian manuals that have been created to present inspired contents that can be used as teaching materials in churches or any Christian training platforms.

These Bible training manuals will be without copyright. This implies that you can do as you like with these Bible School manuals.

You may however not sell them. If you want to sell any of these Christian training materials, you should let us know. But we would like these Bible training manuals to be used free to bless the lives of your congregation.


Why are we giving out Sunday School lessons?

At the Visionary Business Project, our sister platform, with the mission to distribute books and information products locally and globally, we are doing this in obedience to the instruction of the Lord and we are glad to do this for expansion of the kingdom of God.

Have you registered for our online Bible study courses? Please register free of charge here 


More information about free Sunday School manuals soon

We will be giving you more information about the free Sunday School manuals soon.

Please bookmark this page and come back for the latest on this page.

Bible college certificates in Nigeria

If you want to obtain Bible College certificates in Nigeria, this post will show you how.

There are many Bible Colleges in Nigeria today. Lots of the Bible Schools in Nigeria have both online and offline campuses.

Related: Bible study course on the Grace of God


Obtaining Bible College Certificates in Nigeria

Obtaining Bible College Certificates in Nigeria is now easier than it used to be. One of the reasons is because there are now many Bible schools in Nigeria today.

Another reason is because most of these Bible Schools have online campuses where students can enrol for Bible courses and study at their convenience.

Certificates of completion are also issued out to Bible School students who complete these Bible study courses. Sometimes, these awards are e-certificates or in electronic formats.


Steps to receive Bible College Certificates in Nigeria

The following are the steps to receive Bible College Certificates in Nigeria:

  • Find out if your church has an online Bible college
  • If your church does not have one, ask a Christian friend if they have one in their church
  • If the above fails, go on your knees and ask God in the place of prayer to direct you
  • If you find one, make inquiries if there is an online campus available in the Bible School
  • If there is one, take a decision if you want to attend the online campus or on-site campus of the Bible school
  • For online campus, visit the website portal of the Bible College and register for an online Bible study course of your choice
  • For offline or on-site campus, visit the school venue to make more inquires about registration
  • After registration, go through the process of the classes to obtain your Bible College Certificates


The Book Academy Online Bible School Campus

You can register for The Book Academy Online Bible School Campus by following the following steps.

  • Complete learning online and at the comfort of your home to obtain a Bible College Certificate


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