Are there any free online Bible school in Nigeria?

Are there free online Bible school in Nigeria? I am using this post to give you an accurate answer to this question.

Related: 3 free online Bible colleges in Nigeria  



What are online Bible schools?

Online Bible schools are Bible training institutes where God’s Word is used to train Bible students for:

  • Mission works
  • Work of ministry
  • Christian living
  • Effective faith walk with God


Are there any free online Bible school in Nigeria for Christians?

There are free online Bible schools in Nigeria for Christians and for anyone who so desire to learn and be trained in the ways of God.

Years back, many Bible schools or Bible training colleges only have their bible classes offline. Classes are administered offline inside physical classrooms.

However, today as a result of the advancement in technology, we now have online Bible colleges where students can register and take free online Christian courses from the comfort of their rooms.


The Book Academy: A free Online Bible School

The Book Academy is a free online Bible School in Nigeria. You are presently browsing through the blog section of The Book Academy online Bible School portal.

The Book Academy is another online teaching platform of The Gate of Zion Mission Centre. One of the other teaching is where we teach Christian personal development.

This online Bible College was established to give Bible students the opportunity to learn and be trained online or off campus. This free online Bible School also administers unique online Bible courses that are completely different from the common courses in most Bible Schools.

The reason for this is to allow Bible students have the opportunity of taking short and very impactful Bible courses that cuts across almost every aspect of Christianity.

So this idea is not just for students who wants to be trained to work inside the church or as pastors. Students will be able to get trained to live meaningful and successful lives in their homes and outside the church.

To see the Bible courses of The Book Academy, please check them out here.