There are free bible colleges in Nigeria where you can study robust and Spirit-inspired bible courses. Some of these Nigerian online bible schools will even offer you certificates on completion of their courses.
Our online bible college offers you the above-mentioned privileges as a Bible student. There are lots of courses you can enroll in and study at your own pace.
What is a Bible college?
A bible college is a school where bible courses and lessons are offered to help students grow effectively as Christians and as missioners. Free bible colleges in Nigeria have been in existence for many years now. Many frontline Christian ministries or Christian churches in Nigeria have always had a section of their ministries as bible schools teaching different faith-based courses.
3 free bible colleges in Nigeria
I will be using the remaining section of this post to show you 3 of the free bible colleges in Nigeria. You can go ahead to visit the different websites of the bible schools and enroll in their various bible courses.
Free bible college 1: The Book Academy

Of course, it’s normal that I should start with our own bible college, The Book Academy where you are reading this particular post.
The Book Academy has a mission to raise problem-solving students who will not lag in diligence but fervent in spirit serving the Lord (Romans 12:11). The Book Academy is referred to as a Christian Personal Development school because the core of the mission has to do with personal development and its principles.
Some of the bible courses you can enroll for at The Book Academy are Christian Faith Principles, The God-Powered Author, How to Develop the Skills of Solving Problems, etc.
Check out the course page of this free bible college in at The Book Academy courses
Free Bible College in Nigeria 2: Christian Leaders Institute
Christian Leaders Institute is a ministry of Christian Leaders College and, according to information monitored on the website, a “gateway to fulfilling ministry credentials that fit your needs.”
You are awarded ministry awards to recognize your completion of the various ministry and Bible training programs. According to information on the website, the ministry awards, “are also accepted by the Christian Leaders Alliance in the clergy recognition program, including many licensed and ordained roles.”
Though Christian Leaders Institute is located in Spring Lake, Michigan, the course registration and study can be done anywhere and online. This explains why it is very popular among Nigerians.
Please find out more about this bible school here
Free Bible school in Nigeria 3: Rhema Bible Training Centre
RHEMA is a Bible school that helps people to know God’s Word. When someone knows God’s Word they will grow in their faith and apply it to their life. This bible training school was born to serve the needs of people who, “struggle to understand the bible.”
This bible college in Nigeria has both online and offline courses on various Bible topics. Please visit here to read more about this school.
I promised 3 Bible colleges in Nigeria and I have fulfilled that but I will be giving you more. Some of the Nigerian Bible schools below are not totally free but the classes are not too expensive as they have been heavily subsidized. Please read on…
Free Bible College in Nigeria 4: Daystar Leadership Academy
Daystar Leadership Academy is a non-profit-oriented Leadership and Management Development School. It came into existence in January 2002. The vision is to raise exceptional leaders and managers who will transform our world globally.
The mission is to empower men and women to discover, develop, release and maximize their God-given leadership potentials, through Bible-based management and leadership principles.
The first Basic Certificated Course in Leadership took place in March 2002 with participants’ size of over three hundred and fifty. After that pioneering set, the school has conducted other equally successful editions.
The Proprietor of The Book Academy, Sesan Oguntade is proud to be an alumnus of Daystar Leadership Academy.
Please find out more information about this school here
Free Bible College in Nigeria 5: Word of Faith Bible Institute
The Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI) is a Ministry and Leadership Training Center which serves as the training arm of the Living Faith Church Worldwide. The Institute runs classes as a two-week special intensive program. The courses are designed to motivate participants positively towards distinction in both their secular and spiritual engagements.
According to information monitored on the website, “The Institute began on September 1st, 1986 at Kaduna, Nigeria in fulfillment of the mandate God gave the Founder, David Oyedepo, on May 11th, 1983 saying, “I will through this ministry raise the foundations of many other ministries.” WOFBI is, therefore, to serve as a platform for enhancing greatness and molding destinies.”
The Proprietor of The Book Academy, Sesan Oguntade is proud to be an alumnus of this Bible Institute.
Please find more information here about this bible institute.
Thank you for reading through this post. I promised to give you information about 3 bible schools in Nigeria but I have given two bonuses already. please be on the lookout for more profiles of other bible institutes in Nigeria.
Please share this post with your friends online. I want you to also email us if there is a bible school in Nigeria you want to be on this page. Thank you.