
How long is Bible School in Nigeria

Just how long is Bible School in Nigeria? This is a prominent question among Nigerians who seek to have Bible training in Bible schools.

You may need to read frequently asked questions about online Bible schools in Nigeria 


How long is Bible School in Nigeria?

The duration for Bible schools in Nigeria vary depending on the program and the curriculum of individual Bible school.

There are many Bible schools in Nigeria and each of them has different plans and programs that determine the time frame for students to complete a Bible school training in Nigeria.


Two categories of Bible schools in Nigeria

There are two main categories of Bible schools in Nigeria. This also determines how long is Bible School in Nigeria.

The two categories of Bible schools in Nigeria are:

  • Online Bible School
  • On-site Bible School

The duration for Online Bible School training is usually shorter and more flexible compared to On-site Bible School. The latter usually have longer time duration and students don’t have flexible studying time.

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How to withdraw your money from Payoneer at black market rates

Our Online Bible School

Our online Bible School in Nigeria, The Book Academy Technical School, is filled with Bible educational courses and curriculum that students can enrol for with very flexible study time.

The Bible school courses at The Book Academy Technical School are delivered basically online and registered students can study from the comfort of their homes. They can also learn at times convenient for them.


Register for online Bible courses

You can register for our online Bible courses today. Please visit this page to register for our online Bible study courses.


Winning spiritual battles against marriages

Winning spiritual battles against marriages is the focus of this new gospel movie from our sister organization, Zion Box Christian Films. This new Christian film, which is already generating lots of reviews and excitement online, was written and produced by Sesan Oguntade and Directed by Dr. Are Korede Moses (Calvary Drama Ministry).

If you want to win spiritual battles against your marriage, you need to watch this film today.

Related: Have you enrolled for any of our online Bible courses? Do that today 


Winning spiritual battles against marriages

Winning spiritual battles against marriages is necessary because the devil and his cohorts do not want marriages to have the needed peace that will make them to fulfill the main reason why God Instituted the marriage Institution.

God wants marriages to be a sign board of advertisement of His will and the promotion of His cause for the earth. God wants marriages to produce Godly seeds (that is Godly children).

But with the many spiritual battles against marriages today, can marriages stand to fulfill the will of God for them? You need to watch this new gospel film in Nigeria today to find out the right answer to that question.


Can you win these spiritual battles against your marriage?

Yes, it is a winnable battle. I am saying, in essence, that you can win the spiritual battles against your marriage. A very important factor for victory is shared in this new Christian movie in Nigeria.

You need to see this film immediately. You need to watch the gospel film to discover this important factor.


About the new gospel movie in Nigeria

This new gospel movie in Nigeria is the film version of my best-selling Christian romance novel, The Prostitute. This Christian novel blessed (and is still blessing) lots of users online and offline.

We believe the movie version of this film, acted so perfectly by the cast and directed so beautifully by the Director, will reach out to more people and bless their lives, homes and marriages.


Read a brief information about this movie on winning spiritual battles against marriages

Don’t let your marriage hit the rock. Enjoy a hitch-free marriage that lives above both spiritual and physical obstacles and hinderances.

What happened to a strict and morally upright man who suddenly fell in love with a notorious prostitute? Please watch this exciting film. It’s the movie version of the best-selling novel, The Prostitute.

Watch the film below today and please share with your friends on social media.






Bible School course on the Grace of God

This is an exciting Bible School course on the Grace of God. We would like you to enrol and start your study on this online course immediately.


About the Bible School course on the grace of God

Find more information about this Bible School course on the grace of God below:

If you want to overcome the myriads of obstacles and demonic hinderances that show up whenever you want to achieve a meaningful exploits or get a breakthrough, you need to always position yourself to operate under God’s grace.

Register for the course here 


Operating under the grace of God

In this online Christian course on the grace of God, you will learn the following:

  • How do you operate under the grace of God?
  • How do you activate the grace of God?
  • What’s the mysterious and useful relationship between faith and the grace of God?
  • Is God’s grace free?
  • Can God’s grace increase upon your life?
  • How does the grace of God manifest itself?
  • Why the devil and his cohorts does not want you to operate under the grace of God.

Register for the course here 


Watch the introductory lecture on the online course on the grace of God

You will find answers to all these and more in this Christian online course, The Gospel of the Grace of God.

Please watch this introductory video lecture and let me read from you.

Watch video today.


Enrol in this course today 

Bible School course to stop violent anger

This online Bible School course to stop violent anger will be of tremendous use to you. I want you to read more information about it below.


Bible School course to stop violent anger

Some years ago, I wrote a book and also did an online course to share my experience on how God helped me to stop violent anger.

It was indeed God’s supernatural help that I received to overcome this problem. I discovered relevant truths from the Bible. I prayed and put my faith on the line to get the needed victory over violent anger.

Related: Register for our free Bible home study course 


How God helped me against violent anger

God helped me to win the battle over violent anger and also to learn how to enjoy my marriage at the early stage of getting married.

My book, How I Overcame Violent Anger and 6 Mistakes I made as a husband has helped others and they will surely help you too.

Really, I’m of the school of thought that believes hot anger must not be tolerated by Christians and even anyone. Violent anger is a destroyer of good things.

if you are the type who don’t agree with this, then you need to read my interesting experience with violent anger.

Please read more on our Christian personal development blog and let me read your comment or visit the link below:



Online Course on the Grace of God

This is a new online course on the grace of God. We just sent out a new product announcement today on the new home study course on the grace of God.

This new Christian online course will greatly help you to understand what the grace of God is all about and you can use it practically in your life, family, business, profession, career or ministry.

Related: Register for our other Christian home study courses today 


Online Course on the grace of God: All you need to know

Please find more information about this new online course on the grace of God below as reflected in the announcement we sent out today.


New Christian course announcement


Gospel of the Grace of God is the new online course that I am being helped to put together by God’s Spirit.

Just like my other online courses, this will be very practical and simple-to -understand. Inspired and practical illustrations will be used all through the lectures

If you want to know the spiritual meaning of God’s grace and how to attract the grace of God into your life, you will need to learn from this home study course when it’s finally published.

If you want to know how God’s grace can help you to deal with practical issues in your life, family business, profession, career or ministry, then you will need to study from this soon-to-be released online course.

If you want to be informed when it’s finally released and to enjoy 50% discounts, please reply this email or send an email to or send a Whatsapp message to 08034300979.

Update: The Gospel of the Grace of God course is now live. Please register for the course here 


My other best-selling online courses

1. Anger Management for Christians. Enrol at

2. How to stop fear spiritually. Enrol at

3. The Miraculous Faith. Enrol at

4. Internet Evangelism Strategies. Enrol at

Thank you and let me read from you.

Sesan Ogunotade

Visionary Business Project

Animated Christian films

We started producing animated Christian films or Christian films as animated cartoons and we want to let you know about it.

We have set out in our organization to use every available information products format to present the message of the gospel to the world. So animated Christian films is the latest format that we have launched.

Related: Register for our Bible study courses online today at no cost to you 


What are animated Christian films?

Animated Christian films are gospel films presented in the form of animated cartoons. It is a video but the characters in the video or films are cartoons.

This is another great way to share the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


How to watch our animated Christian films

You can watch any edition of these christian film by subscribing to our YouTube channel. When you click the notification bell, you will receive notification whenever we have a new animated Christian film for you.


Watch the latest animated Christian movie

I want you to watch the latest animated Christian movie from our stable, Zion Box Films below:


Frequently Asked Questions About Online Bible Schools in Nigeria

These frequently asked questions about online bible schools in Nigeria will help you to get more informed answers to some of the questions you have about studying Bible courses online.

This post on frequently asked questions about online Bible Schools in Nigeria will be updated as we have more answers to common questions you have about online Bible Schools in Nigeria.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Online Bible Schools in Nigeria

The following are the frequently asked questions about online Bible Schools in Nigeria:

Is there an online Bible School?

There is an online Bible School in Nigeria. In fact, there are many online Bible Schools in Nigeria.

These Bible schools are filled with lots of Bible study courses that can help students’ spiritual growth.

Our online Bible College is one of the foremost online Christian colleges in Nigeria. You can register for an online Bible study course now.

Can I do Bible study online?

Yes, you can do Bible study online. There are many online Christian portals where you can do Bible study online.


Who offers free Bible Studies?

There are many online Bible Schools in Nigeria that offer free Bible studies. You can register for their various Bible study courses on their online Bible School portals.

At The Book Academy Technical School, we offer free Bible study courses where students can study from the comfort of their rooms.


How long is Bible School in Nigeria?

The duration of Bible School studies differ from each online Bible School in Nigeria. You should visit each of the Bible schools portals to find out the duration for their Bible studies.


How to start online Bible study?

You can start an online Bible study by simply visiting any online Bible School portal in Nigeria. When you get to any Bible college portal, browse around to find a page where the details of the Bible study courses are listed and how you can register for the Bible courses.

You can start online Bible study at our online Bible School, The Book Academy Technical School by visiting our Bible courses page now.

Related: Gain access to free Christian personal development books online 

How to stop an addition problem

This is a guide on how to stop any addiction problem. This addiction treatment guide has helped lots of people online and offline.

You will be reading simple stories and charts to gain access to strategies and principles you can begin to use to put a gradual stop to any addiction problem like masturbation and their likes.


How to stop an addition problem

This is an ebook guide on how to stop an addition problem. This is a comprehensive guide to end masturbation and any of its likes.

I believe you want to read this interesting short stories and charts that can help put a final stop to that addiction problem that has done everything to take your joy away for many years now.


Details about how to end an addiction problem ebook guide

Please find the details of how to end an addition problem ebook guide below:

You Can Stop Masturbation! (Addiction Treatment): And End Any Addiction and Substance Abuse By Reading Simple Stories and Charts!

Check out this guide at

You can also call/Whatsapp Sarefat Vision Publishing to get a copy (08034300979)

This is a Christian Addiction Treatment Book. It’s a simple guide to help you break your habit of masturbation or any addiction problem.

Have you struggled without end to put a stop to masturbation and any form of addiction? Do you really want a complete Christian guide that uses simple stories and simple charts to describe step-by-step methods to put a stop to masturbation or any addiction problem?

This practical Christian book will be of great use to you as it has been to many others online. Due to readers’ positive reactions to the story-telling and chart-illustration strategies used in the first edition of this book to provide simple steps to solve the problem of masturbation.

Author, Sesan Oguntade produced a bigger edition which consists of several readers’ reactions, more charts illustrations, 13 Christian notes for parents on solving teenage addiction problems, and a book bonus: a Podcast that relates the popular story-illustration in the book.

It’s a good addiction formula. Christians and anyone who really desires to stop masturbation or any addiction problem should not pass up the opportunity to download this book immediately.

I want you to check out this best selling guide today and let me read your comment.

Check it out today at

You can also call or Whatsapp Sarefat Vision Publishing to get a copy (08034300979)

Sesan Oguntade

Visionary Business Project

How to find spiritual mentors

You can learn how to find spiritual mentors in this new ebook guide. If you want to know how to know your spiritual father, this free ebook guide will help you to know one.

Related: Register for our free Bible online courses today 


Details of how to find spiritual mentors

Please find the details of how to find spiritual mentors ebook guide below:

If you desire Godly spiritual or Christian mentoring that can help speed up results in your life, business, profession, or ministry, then this book is going to be a good read for you.

I have shown in this book, practical and biblical ways to find spiritual mentors.

I have also shown you the benefits of having spiritual mentors. You will also read some of my practical experiences with this topic.

I believe you are going to put the ideas in this book to use.

You need to get a spiritual mentor. Let God reveal one to you. If God has shown you one but you have not obeyed His direction,  it is time for you to obey Him.

You have everything to gain if you have godly spiritual mentors.

Summary of what you will gain from this book:

  • This relationship can speed up results in your life, business, profession, or ministry.
  • It can help you to maintain spiritual decorum.
  • It will keep you on the path of spiritual decency.
  • You will be exposed to free ideas that you can implement in your business or vocation to take your life to the next level.
  • It can also destroy pride in your life.
  • It can prevent you from making avoidable errors or mistakes in life, business, career, or ministry.
  • It can help you to know more about God.

You have everything to gain if you have godly spiritual mentors.

Please get your copy today (find the details below):

A free ebook you can download and read today at NowNowbooks online store.

How to find spiritual mentors is a new free book available for download free of charge.

How to find spiritual mentors

About RCCG Bible College

If you want information about RCCG Bible College, you have it on this page. If you want to find a Bible School you can attend in Nigeria or abroad, you can attend and get the best if education at RCCG Bible School.

Related: Register for our online Bible study courses at The Book Academy 

About RCCG

RCCG (Redeemed Christian Church of God is arguably the fastest growing pentecostal church in the world. This Christian mission was founded many years ago under the leadership of Pastor Akindayomi of blessed memory.

The Redeemed Christian Church of God has grown tremendously since the present General Overseer rose to leadership posting. Many souls and lives have been blessed and brought to Christ under this mission.


About RCCG Bible College: What you need to know

A major section of the RCCG Bible College is the popular School of Disciples (SOD).
The School of Disciples which started in 1985 is coordinated by the Training Bureau of the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

It is a Bible College where Christians of all denominations learn how to be true and genuine Disciples of Jesus Christ.

About the School of Disciples

According to a statement monitored on the RCCG Bible College website, what led to the establishment of RCCG Bible College and the SOD was clearly stated. Read the statement below:

The enemy however has not given up. In fact, the Bible says he is now “having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (Revelation 12:12).

That is why the battle is getting fiercer these days, and that is why the Lord commanded His disciples to go and reproduce others like the duplicates of Christ.

The victory and survival of the Church and all her members depend on their availability. It is thus for this purpose of their reproduction that by the leading of the Holy Spirit, this School of Disciple is established.

The School of Disciples which started in 1985 is coordinated by the Training Bureau of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. It is a school where Christians of all denominations learn how to be true and genuine Disciples of Jesus Christ how to study to show oneself approved unto God.

Please find more information about the school.

Registration – SOD

Related: Register for our online Bible study courses at The Book Academy